Instances of this interface perform a specific aggregation of bindings. You can put bindings and when all bindings have been put, request the result.

interface IBindingsAggregator {
    putBindings: (bindings: Bindings) => Promise<void>;
    result: () => undefined | null | Term;

Hierarchy (View Summary)

Implemented by



putBindings: (bindings: Bindings) => Promise<void>

Registers bindings to the aggregator. Each binding you put has the ability to change the aggregation result.

Type declaration

    • (bindings: Bindings): Promise<void>
    • Parameters

      • bindings: Bindings

        the bindings to put.

      Returns Promise<void>

result: () => undefined | null | Term

Request the result term of aggregating the bindings you have put in the aggregator. It returns:

  • a term if a new result.
  • undefined if no new result.
  • null if the aggregator is in an error state.