Creates a test closure

interface It {
    concurrent: It;
    each: Each;
    failing: It;
    only: It;
    skip: It;
    todo: It;
    (name: string, fn?: ProvidesCallback, timeout?: number): void;
  • Creates a test closure.


    • name: string

      The name of your test

    • Optionalfn: ProvidesCallback

      The function for your test

    • Optionaltimeout: number

      The timeout for an async function test

    Returns void


concurrent: It

Experimental and should be avoided.

each: Each

Use if you keep duplicating the same test with different data. .each allows you to write the test once and pass data in.

.each is available with two APIs:

  • table: Array of Arrays with the arguments that are passed into the test fn for each row.
  • name: String the title of the test block.
  • fn: Function the test to be ran, this is the function that will receive the parameters in each row as function arguments.
  • table: Tagged Template Literal
  • name: String the title of the test, use $variable to inject test data into the test title from the tagged template expressions.
  • fn: Function the test to be ran, this is the function that will receive the test data object..
// API 1
test.each([[1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 1, 3]])(
'.add(%i, %i)',
(a, b, expected) => {
expect(a + b).toBe(expected);

// API 2
a | b | expected
${1} | ${1} | ${2}
${1} | ${2} | ${3}
${2} | ${1} | ${3}
`('returns $expected when $a is added $b', ({a, b, expected}) => {
expect(a + b).toBe(expected);
failing: It

Mark this test as expecting to fail.

Only available in the default jest-circus runner.

only: It

Only runs this test in the current file.

skip: It

Skips running this test in the current file.

todo: It

Sketch out which tests to write in the future.